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Bitlife Life Simulator

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4.5 (8 vote)

This simulator is an interesting puzzle. The most unusual thing about it is that it is text, and that doesn’t make it boring. You are asked to live a virtual life from beginning to end. You start at birth, and even at this stage, it’s important to make the right choices in different life situations.
You need to read the text of the task and make a decision. Depending on the choice made, the story will gain momentum. You can’t live different lives the same way – this simulator is as close as possible to reality, where fate, chance and personal choice go hand in hand. Naturally, your goal is not only to live as long as possible, but to make her worthy of remembering. Learn new things, travel, fall in love, and avoid the temptation to take the wrong path, which can ruin your entire virtual life.

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